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Hotel information


Night time emergency number +46 (0)173-88930

  • Vid nödfall ring alltid 112. / The emergency number in Sweden is 112.
  • Brandlarm finns i samtliga gästrum / All guest rooms are equipped with smoke detectors
  • Hjärtstartare finns i receptionen / Defibrillator is available at the reception
  • Första hjälpen finns i receptionen / First aid kit is available at the reception


Opening hours


Monday-Friday 07.00-09.00
Saturday-Sunday 08.00-10.30



Monday-Friday 11.30-14.00 & 17.30-21.00
Saturday 17.30-21.30
Sunday 17.00-21.00


Gym (located in Brukskontoret basement)

Every day 06.30-21.30


Sjöstugan SPA Lounge

Every day 13.00-18.30


Complimentary Wi-fi is  available throughout the property.

Network name: GimoHerrgard_Guest

No password required.

In-room dining

Got the munchies?

In-room dining is available during the restaurant’s regular opening hours. Please note that the kitchen closes 60 minutes before restaraurant closing time. A service fee of 150 SEK will be added to all orders.

Call +46(0)173-88900 to place your order.


Förrätt / Starter

Löjrom – Potatiscrunch – Smetana – Rödlök – Vaktelägg
Whitefish roe – Potato crunch – Smetana – Red Onion – Quail Egg

Tonfisk Albacore – Avokado – Sparris – Sesamsenap
Tuna Albacore – Avocado – Asparagus – Sesame Mustard

Burrata – Tomatsallad – Basilika
Burrata – Tomato Salad – Basil


Huvudrätt / Main course

Flamberad pepparstek – rökt potatispuré – Grönpepparsås – Säsongens grönsaker
Steak Flambée – Smoked mashed potato – Green pepper sauce – Vegetables of the season

Dagens fångst – Potatisstomp – Romsås – Säsongens grönsaker
Catch of the day – Stomped potato – Roe sauce – Vegetables of the season

Spenatrisotto – Kantarell – Tryffel – Parmesan
Spinach risotto – Chantarelle – Truffle – Parmesan


Efterrätt / Dessert

Caramel and sea salt Crème Brûlée
Kola- och havssaltscrème brûlée

Chokladfondant – Champagne Sorbetto
Chocolate fondant – Champagne Sorbetto

Dagens utvalda ostar
Cheese selection of the day


Laundry service

Drop off your laundry at the reception or call us to have it picked up. Laundry received before 10.00 will be delivered to your room on the same day after 17.00.
Shirt/Blouse 125 SEK
Pyjamas 125 SEK
Pants (short) 125 SEK
Pants (long) 125 SEK
Jeans 200 SEK
Underwear 75 SEK
T-shirt 75 SEK
Skirt 125 SEK
Dress 200 SEK
Socks 75 SEK
Scarf 90 SEK


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